


澳门网络赌博游戏要求大多数本科生住在校园里, 除了一些本地/通勤者, 兼职, 以及24岁以上的学生. Become familiar with this policy—和 financial penalties for not abiding by this policy.

2023 - 24住房

如果你现在是通勤者, 提交住房申请. 您需要使用您的北公园用户名和密码登录.

如果您目前是居民, please check your NPU email for an email with the housing application link from the Office of 居住生活和住房.


When you first signed up for housing at North Park (typically prior to your first semester as a student), 你付了250美元的房屋定金. This housing deposit is held the entire time you are a student at North Park University 和 returned to you when you graduate or leave the University. The deposit amount you receive back when you graduate/leave may be less than $250 if any damage fees, 停摆的指控, 学生行为罚款, 或者其他与住房相关的费用被计入你的账户.


Returning students signing up for on-campus housing start by selecting the other person or group of people they want to live with, 和 then applying for a room or apartment with the capacity for that number of roommates.

每年春假之后, Residence Life holds information sessions to explain specific details regarding the roommate selection 和 housing application process for returning students.


以便安置在2023-2024年的住房, 请确保在申请前完成以下清单:

  • You must be registered full-time for Fall 2023 classes (minimum of 12 credits). 
  • 你的250美元住房押金必须是最新的. 如果你需要解决这个问题,你会收到一封电子邮件.
  • 中的“紧急联系人信息”已更新 自助服务.
    • 登录您的自助服务帐户.
    • 登录后,点击左侧导航菜单上的“用户选项”图标.
    • 然后,单击“紧急信息”.”
    • 点击“添加联系人”.”
  • (To request apartments/houses) you must have at least 60 completed credits by the end of the Spring 2023 semester.

Individuals or groups will be disqualified if any of the applicants in the group have not completed the above checklist.


2023-2024 housing applications for returning residential students open on April 10, 2023.


  • 公寓/房屋回收申请:2023年4月18日星期二 
  • 公寓/房屋新申请:2023年4月19日星期三 
  • 宿舍回收申请:2023年4月25日(星期二) 
  • 新申请:2023年4月26日星期三 

今年, students can request to change their roommate or housing assignment for the upcoming year during the Room Change Request week: Monday, 可能1-Friday, 5月5日, 2023.


Here is the housing assignment schedule for the returning residential students:

  • 公寓/房屋回收申请:2023年4月19日星期三 
  • 公寓/房屋新申请:2023年4月20日星期四 
  • 宿舍申请:2023年4月26日星期三 
  • 新申请:2023年4月27日星期四 
  • Late applications: Friday, April 28, 2023; then every Wednesday in May 
  • 换房申请表:2023年5月1日星期一至5月5日星期五 


Returning residential students will be able to view their housing assignment 和 roommate information on 自助服务 一旦他们被分配到校园宿舍. Current commuter students will be assigned to campus housing after returning residential students have received their housing assignments 和 will be notified within 3-5 business days.


  • 住宿学生回国的不同申请: 不同的申请有不同的截止日期. Please submit the correct application to avoid not getting the preferred housing assignment.
  • 每组一份申请: 你们将以团体而不是个人的形式申请住房. 每组提交一份申请. 
    • 例如, 如果你和两个朋友想住在一起, 你们三个提交一份申请.
    • The application requires each group member to sign 和 attach the University Housing Agreement Terms 和 Conditions. 一定要拿到 每个人的 签名. 签名缺失的申请将不予处理.
  • 入住人数必须满足:  例如, 要回Burgh Hall的一间双人房, 你必须有一个室友,否则就把它收回为双人间. 申请学院 5031 N. 斯波尔丁,你们必须以五人一组来申请.
    • Any group or individual that does not meet the occupancy requirement will be assigned later than those who meet the occupancy requirement 和 will be assigned additional roommates to meet the occupancy requirement.
    • Any application from an individual who applies for housing that is for more than one person will be assigned to campus housing with another group or individuals to meet the occupancy requirement.
  • 换房请求周: During the week of May 1-5, you may request to change your 2023-2024 housing assignment or roommate 通过提交房间变更申请表(链接发送到您的NPU电子邮件).
    • One submission for the new group requesting a change in roommate/housing assignment. 
    • You must get all required 签名s in order for the request to be processed. 
    • 此申请将按“先到先得”原则处理, first-served” basis 和 only if the requested housing assignment is available at the time.


Q: Will the Housing Assignments be based on a “first-come, first-served” basis?
A:是也不是. If the applications are submitted before the deadline, housing assignments will be based on the 已修总学分 在春季学期结束时 对于你的整个团队. 迟交的申请将以已修学分为准 the availability of requested housing on the day the applications are being processed.  

A: The housing application will not be processed until everyone in the group is registered full-time for the fall semester. Please see the checklist above to avoid your group not getting the preferred housing assignment. 

答:检查你是否有资格成为一名通勤学生,然后提交一份 通勤的应用程序. 如果你不符合通勤者的资格,仍然搬到校外, 你将收到一笔违规费. 

A:你可以看 网上房价. 

A: Students who live in Anderson Hall, Burgh Hall, or Ohlson House must have a meal plan. 

A:住公寓或房子的学生必须是低年级学生, which means that they have at least 60 completed credits by the end of the Spring 2023 semester. 21岁以上的学生除外.

答:请与残障人士联络 ada@yakultgo.net. 


If you have any questions about the room assignment process or your living area placement, 请联系住宿生活和住房办公室 通过电子邮件 或致电(773)244-5555.