



The 健康的团队 is a multidisciplinary team that works to address concerning or threatening behaviors of North Park University students. The team works to promote the safety and well-being of the university community while providing an institutional framework for information sharing and the development of support plans for students of concern. The 健康的团队 serves as an early 干预 team overseeing behavioral assessment, 干预, 和响应.


North Park community members should report concerning or threatening behaviors by submitting an 耳朵推荐. 请参阅 苦恼学生协议 if you are not sure whether to submit an 耳朵推荐 or if you need to seek other more immediate help.

If the student needs immediate medical attention, call 911 and Campus Safety at (773) 244-5600.

一旦提交ear转介, professional staff in Student Engagement will reach out to offer support and connect the student to resources on campus. 有时会提交ear推荐,或大学收到 关于高危学生行为的报告 需要立即关注. This could be where multiple concerns about the same individual have been received from different parts of the University or when there is a single urgent or highly critical concern about an individual. 这些病例被认为是危重病例.

作为整个校园的资源, 健康小组审查这些严重的病例, 考虑到所有保密法律和标准. The team’s discussions include understanding how the individual is interacting on campus and in the community, 确定现有的沟通和支持点, 并制定行动计划来应对这种情况. 虽然团队希望积极主动地解决特殊问题, they are equipped to react quickly to particular situations when necessary for the health and well-being of all students.

健康团队根据需要召开会议,可能是面对面的,也可能是虚拟的, 视转诊的紧迫性和性质而定.

健康团队不是一个纪律严明的实体. If reports constitute a potential code of conduct violation it will be referred to the proper University officials for follow-up.


  • Create and maintain a mechanism for members of the University community to report concerns about the behavior of other members of the community.
  • Monitor and respond to cases where multiple concerns about the same individual have been received from different parts of the University or when there is a single urgent or highly critical concern about an individual.
  • Determine situations that rise to the level of “critical case” and coordinate an appropriate response for those and refer non-critical issues to the appropriate individuals or departments.
  • 对风险进行初步评估并制定支持计划, 符合大学现行政策, 降低风险,促进学生的福祉和成功. 对支持计划进行跟踪和评估.
  • Make recommendations for action and share information with University entities, 比如高级团队, 和/或教师, 员工及其他, 适当的, 协助管理潜在的有害或破坏性行为.
  • Connect North Park University students with services and assistance 适当的. Maintain an ongoing dialogue about the nature of “critical cases” and potential behavioral issues for the University.
  • 在学校政策允许的范围内提出建议, 例如病假和非自愿离职.


  • Elizabeth Fedec,助理副校长/学生事务主任(主席)
  • 特伦斯·加兹登,校园牧师和运动牧师
  • 茱莉亚·古兹曼,卫生服务主任
  • 梅林达·李,咨询支持服务部主任
  • 埃尔曼·麦克莱恩,校园安全和辅助服务主任
  • 埃里克·麦奎德,首席运动教练
  • 艾米·门顿,学生关怀协调员
  • Vanessa Serrano,无障碍专家协调员
  • TDB跨文化学生生活主任
  • 格蕾丝·苏,我是居住生活和住房部主任
  • Amy Governale,教员
  • Colleagues from other offices or units are included depending on the case and/or if other expertise is needed (e.g.、神学院/研究生代表、国际事务代表).

Team membership may evolve over time to meet the needs of North Park students.


North Park University will not allow retaliation against another member of the campus community who reports in good faith, concerning or threatening behavior through an 耳朵推荐 or directly to a 健康的团队 member. Students who undergo a 健康的团队 evaluation will be treated with respect and action plans will be kept as confidential as possible while providing enough information to implement the support resource and plan.


  • 公开的行为, 不采取行动, or verbal or written statements that would not be consistent with the actions or statements of a reasonable, 在类似情况下谨慎的人.
  • 包括, 但不限于, 由可能的身体行为引起的行为, 与毒品有关, or psychiatric disorders which may pose a potential harm to the physical or emotional well-being of the student or others, and/or cause significant disruption to the normal functions and activities of the University.
  • Typically, are directly observable, but may also include a student’s electronic communications (e.g.、电子邮件、社交网站、电子教室帖子等.).
  • 反常行为或模式的不寻常或突然的变化
  • 对损失或创伤事件的极端反应
  • 异常糟糕的表现
  • 抑郁、绝望或自杀想法/计划的证据
  • Inappropriate responses such as prolonged irritability, angry outbursts, or intense reactions
  • 人际关系紧张、孤立行为或自卑
  • Significant change in life circumstances such as loss of job or relationship


If you have questions about the 健康的团队, please contact the Dean of Students at (773) 244-5664.